Friday, February 28, 2014


Well, here I am again, writing another blog about something random.

It's currently 3:06 AM (and even though I have baseball practice at 6:45 AM there is really no point in going to sleep now). I figure that now is the most opportune time to write a blog about a very relevant topic in my life (and probably in a lot of other people's lives as well). This topic, as mentioned in the title, is girls; the great mystery of life.

I was home schooled up until 7th grade when my parents enrolled me at Christian Brothers Academy (CBA), an all boys Catholic high school. Now, I am at Houghton College, the first school I have ever been to where there are girls in my class who aren't my sister (even though my sister goes to Houghton as well, and we actually have had a class together). So, it would suffice to say that I have very little experience with interacting with girls, which would lead many people to the question "why are you posting a blog about girls when you clearly know nothing about them?". The reason I am writing this blog is so I can can my thoughts and opinion down on to a piece of paper (figuratively speaking, of course).

My experience here at college has led me to the conclusion that many guys before me have also come to, the idea that "Girls are incredibly hard to figure out" (see Ned Fact #22). For any men out there reading this, this idea shouldn't be new to you. Even if you haven't experienced it first hand, you have most likely heard of it through the experiences of your friends.

I would like to state explicitly that there is, in fact, a girl that I "have a crush" on, a girl who really pushed me to come to the conclusion stated earlier. I would also like to admit that it is not necessarily bad, and I am not blaming her in any way. I genuinely believe that it is not her fault that she is hard to figure out, but rather that it is most likely the conflicting ways in which men's and women's brains operate. It's simple, guys and girls see things differently.

Anyways, back to my crush. This isn't the situation where there is a girl in my class that I think is pretty, but I don't have the guts to talk to (although it kind of started out that way, but only kind of). I have, in fact, talked to her, and hung out with her on many occasions and I think we get along really well. You must be asking yourself, well where is the problem, then? The problem is the fact that sometimes it seems like she likes me back, and sometimes it doesn't (and just to clarify, she doesn't know that I like her, or at least I've never told her I do). This is a case of the classic "mixed signals" predicament. The problem is, I don;t know what signals she's trying to give, or if she's even intentionally giving signals at all. This is a situation that is very intimidating for me.

I'm not going to go into great detail about anything (because, honestly, I don't even know what I'm trying to prove make at this point) but I will say one thing: girls are frickin complicated, especially the beautiful ones. What I might end up doing is asking her out to coffee sometime, and see where and how that goes. But considering today is the last day before break, that wont be happening at least until we get back in a week.

Who knows, though? waiting until after break could be a good thing. We wont have seen each other for a week, and that could be a good way to catch up on what both of us did over break (which for me will be playing baseball in Florida, yes be jealous).

If none if this makes sense to you at this point, don't feel dumb. I am not entirely awake right now, I just felt like writing.

Well, thanks for reading anyways and I hope to see you guys back on here in the future.

Also this might be the last blog I post for about a week or so, because as I mentioned I will be in Florida playing baseball and likely wont have any time to write.

P.S. I know my grammar is terrible, sorry.


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