Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My First Blog Post: Ned Fact #1

Okay. This is my first blog post ever so it's probably going to suck, although it doesn't really matter because no one is going to read this anyways. I just wanted to create a place where I could elaborate on my simple, everyday thoughts and opinions (more commonly known as "Ned Facts") and what better place to do that than on a blog?

I figure I'll start off this blog by talking about my first Ned Fact (and for those of you who don't know, Ned Facts are not actually facts, but rather my opinions - arrogant or not - on any topic or idea that happens to pop into my head at any given time). Well, let's get started.

Ned Fact #1 states that, in my opinion, "Every girl looks better with curly hair". When I first posted this "fact" on the popular social networks of Facebook and Twitter I assumed that everyone would know what I meant by "curly hair". That was a stupid assumption because apparently hardly anyone knew what I meant. When I say "curly hair" I am talking about what happens as a result of using a curling iron, you know that thing that makes your hair curly. What I was not talking about were girls with naturally curly hair. To elaborate, I wasn't saying that girls with naturally curly hair are objectively better looking than girls with naturally straight hair, because that is not necessarily true. I'll admit that SOMETIMES girls with naturally curly hair ARE better looking than girls with naturally straight hair, but that has more to do with factors other than their hair (face, body, etc.)  I was simply saying that any girls who would normally have naturally straight hair would look more attractive if they chose to curl their hair rather than if they chose to leave their hair straight. Feel free to disagree with me because after all that "Ned Fact" was just my opinion.

I created the first "Ned Fact" based on a girl that I saw who I thought looked really good with curly hair. She normally has very straight hair (most likely the result of a flat iron - the thing that I believe to be the antithesis of a curling iron) and I thought she looked a lot better that day when she decided to curl it. When I thought about it a little more I came  to the conclusion that every girl would, in theory, look better with curly hair. And I stand to that.

Let me help you picture this by doing a simple exercise.
1. think of a girl
2. now picture that girl with curly hair
3. agree with Ned Fact #1

I think it's pretty simple. For example, go on Google images and look up Emma Watson. Look at a few pictures of her. She's attractive right? Yes, yes she is. Now, go back to the search bar and type in "curly hair" after her name and hit enter. Would you look at that. She looks better with curly hair. Of course you may feel inclined to disagree with me, but I've already stated that this entire post is simply my opinion. So go right ahead.

I guess what I am really trying to say is that if you take a girl with straight hair and give her curly hair then she will, in MY opinion, look better. If, for some reason, you are still confused on what I am trying to say in Ned Fact #1, then feel free to DM me at @NedFacts

Well, I guess I'll stop here and thank you for making it this far. I'll try to post on here relatively often so check back in the next few days and maybe there will be a new post.


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