Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HIMYM Series Finale


Okay, so it's been a while since my last blog but I absolutely had to write one after I finished watching the series finale of "How I Met Your Mother". The ending was just way too wacky not to.

Let me just start off by saying that I did indeed like the ending itself; season 9 as a whole, not so much. If you have watched it then you know almost all of the time devoted to season 9 dealt with the days leading up to the wedding of Barney and Robin. What's wrong with this, you ask? well, THAT TIME PERIOD WAS ONLY ABOUT THREE DAYS. THREE DAYS. They managed to drag three days out over the course of about 21 episodes, which made a lot of them kind of boring in my opinion. I don't know it seemed like too much filler leading up to what would be a very climactic ending. I'm not saying all of the episodes were bad because, in fact, there were a few good ones. Those three days, though, were dragged out way too long for my taste. Okay, well that was my big qualm with season 9 and I may not have liked it, but it would be important to the finale (although in kind of a weird way).

At the end of season 8 (at least i think it was season 8) I was all for the whole "Barney&Robin" thing. I thought they were a great couple. As season 9 dragged out, though, I found my self feeling... unsatisfied. What I thought was one of the best TV couples ever just did not seem magical anymore. I don't know I guess i just took them for granted, which I came to realize is exactly what the writers wanted. You hear Penny (Ted's daughter) say at the end of the last episode something to the effect of "This whole story was the tale of how you fell in love with Robin, not how you met our mother". That right there made me realize what the writers did with season 9. they wrapped up the whole plot of the series into season 9 in a boring, yet very clever way.

 Like I said, I was all for Barney and Robin at the end of season 8 but what the writers did was slowly build up Ted&Robin while they slowly tore down Barney&Robin. One quick example is the whole locket thing. Ted was willing to go to the ends of the earth to get that locket for Robin, whereas Barney wasn't. Robin wanted Barney to be the guy that found her long lost locket, but that man was not Barney, that man was Ted. they kept throwing in hints like Robin's cold feet and all of Barney's mishaps during the days leading up to the wedding, that by the time the wedding actually happened no one (or at least just me) even cared if Barney and Robin got married.

Now you might think no one would care because they wanted to see Ted and Robin together, but that's not true. All anyone cared about at this point was Ted and Tracy (the "Mother") not Ted and Robin. The reason being is that it was explicitly stated in season one that Robin was not the mother, so naturally no one would think that Ted and Robin would ever end up together. Not to mention BARNEY AND ROBIN WERE GETTING MARRIED. Since Robin would be married there would be no way for Ted and Robin to ever get together. Haha very clever writers.

Anyways, back to the strained dynamic between Barney and Robin. I'm no longer interested in them as a couple, but who cares they're getting married, it really doesn't matter anymore. Oh wait, it does. In the episode after the wedding episode, Barney and Robin get divorced. That would be the first of many curveballs thrown at me in the finale. I must admit, I was sad when that happened. Although I said I didn't really care for their relationship that much anymore, it was still a bummer. I was also a little angry at this point, too. they just spent an entire season leading up to their wedding, only to divorce them as soon as they got married. Eventually Barney would be back to his old ways, and would end up going for a "Perfect Month" (which he would achieve). Unfortunately the last girl, dubbed #31, would be impregnated by Barney.

At this point Robin was no longer in the picture. She was never around "the gang" anymore as she was travelling the world doing the news or whatever.

My theory was that Robin was "#31" and that the twist ending would be that she was, in fact, able to have kids, her and Barney would get back together, and everyone would live happily ever after. Suffice it to say, I was wrong. #31 would remain nameless and virtually unimportant other than the fact that she birthed barneys daughter. That would tie up Barney's ending. He would live happily ever after with his daughter, or as my brother described it his "One True Love", something every character would end up with.

Now, on to Ted. Ted and Tracy are all but married at this point (no really, they have two kids and still aren't married) and are madly in love; they're soul mates. Ted is finally with the woman he had been waiting for all of his adult life. Or is he? to be short and sweet, no, hes not with the woman he'd been waiting for. Let's go back to Penny's quote about Robin. she was telling Ted that it would be okay for Ted to ask Robin out on a date, because that's what the whole story has been about. Meanwhile everyone at home is saying "Why would he ask Robin out? He's happily married to Tracy". Penny would answer that question right quick. "Mom's been gone for six years now". That's what got me.

Ted would go to Robin's apartment with the blue french horn (Duh) and they would end up together, which would tie up Ted and Robin's "One Tue Love" thingy.

Lily and Marshal were obviously t each others "One True Love", but wait there's one more...

...I have to, again, give my brother credit for this one...

Tracy, even though she is dead, would also have her "One True Love" and that would be Max.

Although it was rather sad, everyone would end up happily ever after.

So, to try and tie all of this up, How I Met Your Mother was a fantastic TV series, and one of my all time favorites. Season 9 was pretty much an allegory for the whole series both of which pushed Ted and Robin together, even though season 9 itself was a little boring. But then again in kind of had to be boring in order for everyone to be okay with Barney and Robin splitting. Ted's happy, Robin's happy, Barney's happy, Lily and Marshal are happy, and most of all, I'm happy. Bravo writers, bravo.

I think I said everything I wanted to, and if none of this made sense it;s because I just wrote what I was thinking. It would be easier to discuss in person anyways, i just wanted to get my thoughts down.

 Well I hope you enjoyed reading this,


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